Could cannabis swing the votes at the general election in 2024?

Healthcare remains the hot-button issue ahead of the general election, with voters ranking public health as the most important political issue in Britain. Over 7.5m patients are currently on the NHS waiting list, with each major party pledging an array of public health reforms to the public in the run-up to polling day. 

One factor behind the stratospheric rise in waiting times is the UK’s epidemic of chronic pain; as of 2022, a quarter of the British public are living with some form of chronic pain, with back and neck problems being significant drivers of the UK’s health crisis. 

Cannabis general election

The ongoing healthcare emergency has prompted many of the public to pursue alternative treatment, with new national data from Mamedica, revealing that over 11,948,000 Brits would be more likely to use medical cannabis if it were legalised for recreational purposes.

Ahead of the election, Mamedica’s nationally representative research demonstrates that drug reform continues to be hugely popular amongst the electorate, with 20% of the public saying that cannabis legalisation would positively sway their vote.

Over 17 million Brits (35%) have also stated support for the legalisation of cannabis for recreational use, with a further 54% advocating for the decriminalisation of the drug.

According to Mamedica, these figures expose a considerable disconnect between party policies and public opinion, with parties being hesitant to commit to addressing the topic of drug reform. This is further supported by campaigns we ran across our social media platforms. 

Jon Robson, our CEO and founder explains that the future of the market stands to grow exponentially as more people become aware of the legal, regulated route. The benefits of the medical cannabis industry have only recently been embraced by the public, yet the privatisation of the sector has played a crucial role in driving the medicinal cannabis industry forward, with most cannabis-based medicinal products still not having been granted a licence for use in the UK. Since the government allowed medical cannabis in 2018, just 1,000 patients have received licensed prescriptions, while over 60,000 have been prescribed products privately.

Jon Robson, CEO and founder of Mamedica, comments:

“By tapping into the cannabis industry’s vast potential, the UK can establish itself as a leader in the region, attracting investments, driving local economies, and ultimately enhancing the well-being of our population.

The growing acceptance of medical cannabis as a viable alternative treatment presents an immense opportunity for economic growth and job creation. As the global cannabis market expands, embracing this emerging sector will not only generate substantial tax revenue for the government but also employment opportunities.”

Is medical cannabis legal in the UK?

Medical cannabis is legal in the UK but can only be prescribed for a chronic condition where two previous medications or treatments have failed. In November 2018, the UK government rescheduled cannabis-based medicinal products, moving them from Schedule 1 to Schedule 2 of the Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001. This change recognised that cannabis-based medicinal products have therapeutic benefits and can be prescribed by specialist doctors.

Medical cannabis has been available to access from our London-based clinic since 2022. We offer a range of prescription options in the form of cannabis flower, oil, cartridges, and capsules in various combinations of THC, CBD, and balanced profiles.

Our consultants are specialists in finding the most suitable medical cannabis prescription for each patient and their condition and we encourage patients to have transparent conversations with their Mamedica doctor during their consultations.

cannabis general election

How do I become a patient with Mamedica?

Should you want to know if your condition is supported at Mamedica, read more here about what we treat. We have also written multiple blogs on what medical cannabis can be used to treat, including Crohn’s disease, which you can read about here.

As the UK’s fastest-growing medical cannabis clinic, we are open to discussions with patients from all backgrounds looking for a solution for their chronic condition. To get started, complete our eligibility form here.